

*My Turn/Mindset


When brainstorming about themes for Almost Rich’s Design Contest I couldn’t fixate my mind on one specific topic or issue. Like this picture visually shows my mind was all over the place. Each time I would try and concentrate my mind would continue to whirlwind. So I narrowed it down to four subjects that are important to me right here right now. Ironically when giving them an acronym it read ATM(as in perfect relation to Almost Rich).

Ambition-First and most importantly when chasing dreams it’s a must that you are ambitious, determined to succeed. Never conforming to the norm, willing to stand out and take chances and daring to fail. You must BET on yourself!!

Trapped-As it relates to being trapped within mentality, relationships, society, and culturally. We all become trapped at some point. It’s becoming “Untrapped” that’s the goal. Regardless of past situations and what’s going on around us (pandemic) we take the lessons on the trap to become untrapped!!

My Turn/Mindset

If you’re like me we give all we are to benefit the ones around us. From family, friends and community but it’s now time to give back to ourselves. It’s My Turn!! While not giving up on anyone else but 100% putting my all into my business, my baby, my dream. Almost Rich. My mindset is clear, it’s focused and it’s creative. My mind is set on campaigning, promoting, and networking and my goal is to increase revenue, appeal to new audiences and acquire more clientele state/nation wide.


Add your goals

Subtract your fears

Multiply your opportunities

Divide your net worth

= and Live Almost Rich 🐷